801号房. . .内心深处的心声

内心的声音 . . .

with 12 comments


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我叫尔伟,英文名儿叫ANDY。这名儿是我在求学时期给自个取的。那时认为有个英文名很酷。不过随着年龄的增长,这等想法也随着渐渐地消失了。。。我出生于新加坡的竹脚妇幼医院. 生于1980年的四月19日。星座是白羊,生肖是猴。这够解释为何我常被师长们认为是只调皮的小男生了吧。


我就读于铺文小学(这学校早已不存在,它在90年代初期被新加坡教育部撤除))文殊中学;文艺班出身。修读了六年才考取剑桥‘O 文凭。1999年,就读于南洋艺术学院,由于是文艺班出身的背景,我选修了室内设计。并在于公元2002年,考取了室内设计的专业文凭,同时也获颁了科系的优越金牌奖。2002年,我也顺利的考进了英国的一所大学的荣誉年。在University of Huddersfield,众讲师们的辅导下载2003年,考取了学士荣誉(二甲) 文凭。在2003年,我加入了武装部的军事情报科,并在第3统帅总部执行保家卫国的重任。不过,因我的背景,我被部队的统帅,刘准将,暂时调离了军事情报科,并在他的布署下加入了2005国庆筹委会的设计部门。由于在当时的上司是一名建筑师,我在他身上学了不少知识。在2006年,我加入了赵子安设计事务所。不过那是短暂的,因为在2006年的3月,我被大学录取了修读硕士学位。并花了一年的时间修读完了我的硕士学位。现在我,离开了前公司,加入了一间规模中等的建筑设计事务所,担任一名初级建筑师,在首席建筑师的教导下,学习。我之因为离开室内设计的圈子是因为,这圈子的发展空间越来越小了。而且,我的心愿就是成就我3年前所发下的愿望。



*An English translation on the way soon, for the benefit of those English readers.


Written by Andy

August 23, 2006 at 3:29 pm

12 Responses

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  1. hey, those pics are copyright ok…

    shows how much u like them!!! but COPYRIGHT… u have to apply permission to use them!!!


    September 2, 2006 at 8:11 pm

  2. haha…watever…I’m using it anyway…muahahaha…proud of those pics u took man…if I dun use it…it’s a waste man!!!

    Andy Chua

    September 2, 2006 at 8:17 pm

  3. Interesting…just saw a blog posting from one of my friend…hm…haven’t heard from her since we graduated. Hm…guess that different individuals have different thoughts on higher education on design. Nevermind of her comments that my stuffs aint great. Yeah, I had never admit that I’m the best in everything. It is just right she had mentioned that she don’t even know where I got the energy and cash for my education. Well, savings…savings that I had saved all these years and also a few top ups here and there to make sure I can contiuned my further studies. I need to make it clear that my last firm is a good firm where my directors took great care of me and I learn alot everafter since I left the the interior design to learn more on how architecture firm works. And prior to my studies, my lecturer suggested that we set up a firm, no need to register but of course register is good…so as we can learn to be more responsible and more professional in time management. But how I wish my firm is not been drag into this image.

    Andy Chua

    September 20, 2006 at 10:03 am

  4. Hi desperate husband ? Where is your wife?
    How are you this morning ?


    November 2, 2006 at 12:00 pm

  5. Haha . . . Eh, since when do I have a wife though? Are you refering it to Princess Chong? Oops . . .hehe…she’s gonna kill me for this!

    I’m fine! Lovely, you’re back! 😉

    Andy Chua

    November 2, 2006 at 3:58 pm

  6. Put more pics… I have another pics at Ben and Jerry wif Joey..or other school occasion.

    Christine Wonoseputro

    November 20, 2006 at 8:41 pm

  7. stage two over le wor…
    how come no new post?

    joey chong

    December 5, 2006 at 10:34 pm

  8. Yes!!! Yes!!! Stage 2 over liao!!! Yes!!! We got our PG Dip liao!!! Yes!!!!

    Opps sorry sister, new posts coming up real soon by tmr man! Cos now busy with the competition thingy and also some new proposal to rush on new projects . . . stay tune guys 😉

    eh you too, leh . . .new post new post!!

    Andy Chua

    December 6, 2006 at 12:16 am

  9. hehehe…
    forgot abt the competition u have!!!

    k la, take ur time and good luck with the competition!!!
    i will be tidying up my site later…
    and of course write some new posts!!!

    wat abt big sis?

    joey chong

    December 6, 2006 at 1:09 pm

  10. Hm…competition results coming out tmr . . .SAT! Hm… don’t care about it! Not interested in the results . . .Just wanna have fun! Do it with passion! Just like what Peter said! JUST DO IT! (hehee…steal from my sister again!)

    Andy Chua

    December 8, 2006 at 9:47 pm

  11. Yo Botak! You look cuter with hair.



    January 7, 2007 at 2:15 am

  12. hahaha…is it? hahaha…i prefer without hair leh 😉


    January 7, 2007 at 12:20 pm